Pet Bereavement Support

After losing a pet most of us are expected to return to the responsibilities of life right away, but the depth of our pain goes almost unacknowledged…. If you are grieving the loss of a pet, please know that you are not alone.

Hello, my name is Ann Marie. I am a fully qualified Pet Bereavement and Support Counsellor and hold qualifications in Human / Animal Bond Psychology. If you would like to share your experience of loss with someone, I am here to listen. If you would like to speak with a Pet Bereavement Counsellor, ask the team at Resting Pets to make a referral and I will contact you at your convenience.

The pain of losing a pet is sometimes harder to accept than other forms of loss, and that is why Pet Bereavement Support matters. It matters because losing a pet is turning the page on a life shared with a constant companion. It is the loss of a loyal friend, a life witness, a daily routine, and of the unconditional love that is hard to find anywhere else. This loss can be physically heartbreaking and emotionally crippling. The bonds formed between animal and human is one of the most amazing experiences in this world and grief does not discriminate; but without grief we have never loved.

Grief for our beloved animals comes in many forms; the passing of a pet, a missing or stolen pet or the feeling of guilt over making the difficult choices we sometimes must. Mourning a pet is not only painful because of the loss itself, but often runs deeper because the intense loneliness makes it seem never ending. We often have none of the traditions or sympathetic supporters when our pet dies. Most of us are expected to return to life’s responsibilities right away, but the depth of our pain goes almost unacknowledged.

Seeking the help of a pet bereavement and support counsellor is a positive step in the grieving process. I am an absolute animal lover, with a passion for rescue dogs, and I would love to share my professional experience and compassion with you; I am sure we will find some common ground to build upon. But most importantly, I am trained listener and together we will find the light at the end of the tunnel.

How much does pet bereavement counselling and support cost?

The first session for Resting Pets customers is free of charge to see if you feel you would benefit from pet bereavement counselling. All I ask is that you consider making a small donation of €5, or whatever you can, to one of Waterford’s fantastic animal welfare organizations: